
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Expecting the Unexpected...

The stories that pictures can tell!

A fabulous photographer captures our emotions and memories, our most treasured moments.  Whether it's a Martha's Vineyard wedding, anniversary, family reunion or family picture; a great photographer helps us remember these moments even when our memories sometimes fail us.

Lisa Brown-Langley of L.A. Brown Photography is not only a Martha's Vineyard photographer of amazing talents, but she's someone you'll want to call your friend.  When you entrust Lisa with these precious moments of your life, she is sure to tell your story in ways you'll always cherish.  When you're thinking about who you should call to capture the expected and unexpected, be sure to give Lisa a call.

Lisa explains being in the moment:  "My premise is be prepared for the unexpected. In a shoot there is the usual and then there is the unusual. I am an athletic old school shooter; I shoot in the moment and I expect the unexpected. I do not make the photograph on the computer after the event.  I am compelled to shoot in the moment and really capture a simple truth that leaves a lasting impression."

You can check out more of Lisa' work on her website at .